Oběti - ŽMP

Další jménaTitul:
Příjmení: Heimerová
Jméno: Irena
Data osobdatum narození: 18. říjen 1897
ŽivotopisZ mailu p. Paula Heimera (vnuka Irene Heimerove), … [více]
Vztahující se aktéři
Heimer, Oskar (* 12.10.1885) (příbuzný(á) s)

Související Transports

G (02.12.1941 Brno -> Terezín) (deportován(a))
Dz (15.05.1944 Terezín -> Osvětim) (deportován(a))

Související místa

Brno (poslední bydliště před deportací)

Související sbírky

Heimer, Paul (popisuje)

Heimerová, Irena (* 18.10.1897)

Z mailu p. Paula Heimera (vnuka Irene Heimerove), 13.10.2021:
As for my grandparents, I can tell you that they had been living in Vienna at the time of the Anschluss. They managed to get visas for their two sons to come to America, and the sons left in June 1938. One of those two sons was my father (and the other my uncle). Both boys lived in New York City until America's entry into the war. Both served in the U.S. Army, but neither of them saw action.
As for my grandparents, they were both descendants of Czech parents. My great grandparents were named Bohumir and Regina Heimer(ova). Their tombstones are in a small cemetery near Budejovice. He was a stationmaster in Budejovice. My grandparents owned a house in or near Brno, and I'm guessing that after the Anschluss, and after sending their son's to America, they moved out of Vienna to their place in Brno. I'm also guessing they did this sometime between July 1938 and early 1939. It is from there they were deported to Theresienstadt.
They were able to communicate with my father and uncle until December 1941. Those letters, and some other items, are now part of the "HEIMER FAMILY PAPERS" at the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington. [https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn520186#?rsc=140034&cv=0&c=0&m=0&s=0&xywh=-253%2C-79%2C2399%2C1572]
I also know that my grandfather had 5 siblings, One died before the war, and the others were killed in the Holocaust. Luckily, two of his sisters had children who survived the war (3 daughters in total). and their descendents are now in Prague and Brno. (One of my second cousins is Milan Uhde).